Articles by Andy Vale

The talk of tomorrow: 7 ideas to evolve your contact centre

19 Jul 2019 | 4 min read

Digital Marketing

The talk of tomorrow: 7 ideas to evolve your contact centre

As brands ramp up competition for attention and wallet space, your customers could be one click away from switching to a rival. Therefore, it’s vital to differentiate yourself in a...

How data-driven tech is the future of marketing

7 Jul 2019 | 5 min read


How data-driven tech is the future of marketing

Go to any marketing event, and you’ll not struggle to find someone standing in front of a podium evangelising to their flock about the gospel of data, and the endless success it will...

Best practices for building a perfect landing page for SEO and PPC

25 Mar 2019 | 5 min read


Best practices for building a perfect landing page for SEO and PPC

2019 is set to be the first year where over half of the world’s population accesses the Internet.1 With trillions of searches taking place every year, the value of investing in SEO...

PPC and Call Tracking : How can you increase results and lower costs?

20 Mar 2019 | 5 min read


PPC and Call Tracking : How can you increase results and lower costs?

When it comes to PPC marketing, knowing what is and isn’t driving sales for your business is vital.

The state of phone calls in the property market

24 Jan 2019 | 3 min read


The state of phone calls in the property market

The phone call is one of the most vital steps in the buyer journey for property. It signifies a potential end to the research phase, and a committed step towards selecting somewhere to...

PPC Marketing to the over 50s

22 Jan 2019 | 5 min read


PPC Marketing to the over 50s

No business wants to miss out on a substantial, often untapped revenue source. Yet for those ignoring the over 50s in a breathless chase to capture the millennial zeitgeist, it’s an...

What can call tracking solve for agencies?

21 Jan 2019 | 6 min read


What can call tracking solve for agencies?

This is a guest post provided by our partners at Peaky Digital.

Interview: AXA Partners UK & Ireland Head of Innovation

12 Nov 2018 | 5 min read


Interview: AXA Partners UK & Ireland Head of Innovation

There’s unanimous agreement around just about every sector that innovation is needed across multiple areas. Nobody wants to be the Blockbuster of their industry, moving too slowly and...

The first steps to driving disruptive digital agility at scale

2 Jul 2018 | 3 min read

Digital Marketing

The first steps to driving disruptive digital agility at scale

Whether your industry is property, the automotive sector, or even call tracking, leading boards at disruptive companies understand the importance of increased digitisation combined...
