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Empowering Your Sales Team With Real-time Caller Insight | Infinity

Written by Alex Worth | Sep 21, 2014 11:00:00 PM

Recently Infinity’s CEO Paul Walsh gave a keynotes talk, discussing how real-time caller insight can transform the way a sales team or call centre interact with customers, leading to a dramatic increase in call satisfaction and sales value.

This new innovation of real-time caller insight is the next level of call tracking, providing highly fine-tuned touchpoints of the customer's journey as they are happening in real-time, to the call operator or telephone sales person. Not only can the call be dealt with more efficiently, all the data provided is put into context based on the customers actual requirements, enhancing the overall experience for the customer and increasing sales.

Real-time caller insight is totally transforming the interaction with customers on the phone, and is available now from Infinity as a standalone product or as part of a Saleforce integration.

Watch Paul’s keynotes talk to find out more and give us a call to find out how this can benefit you.